Reporting API

Everyone loves seeing the additional crypto they are earning. Staked provides an API for full access to the details.

Get Balance Of All Provisioned Nodes


Get the balance of all nodes provisioned through the Node Provisioning API.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "total_balance": 32000000000000000000,
    "balances": [
        { // active validator
            "balance": 32000000000000000000,
            "block": 62421,
            "timestamp": "2021-09-15T22:25:25.737607",
            "address": "validator public key",
            "currency": "ETH2.0",
            "conversion_factor_power": 18,
            "attributes": {
                "status": "ACTIVE",
        { // validator provisioned but not deposited into
            "balance": null,
            "block": null,
            "timestamp": "2021-09-15T22:25:25.737607",
            "address": "validator public key",
            "currency": "ETH2.0",
            "conversion_factor_power": 18,
            "attributes": {}

Get Balance Of Address


Get the balance of an address that has delegated to Staked.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "balance": 5000000,
  "timestamp": "2019-07-08T17:09:08.753866",
  "address": "KT1W4Rda7pHrqmbDk4xDZ97YpgqAVHE5hndr"

Balance Object Schema

import axios from "axios";

const api_key = 'YOUR API KEY';
const chain = 'TEZOS';
const address = 'KT1W4Rda7pHrqmbDk4xDZ97YpgqAVHE5hndr';

var api = axios.create({
  baseURL: "",
  timeout: 1000000
});["Content-Type"] = "application/json";

api.get(`/reports/${chain}/delegator/${address}/balance?api_key=${api_key}`).then(response => {

Get Detailed Balance of Address


Get the detailed balance (summary view of rewards and the staked balance) of an address. The detail param is used to describe the results - "monthly" returns an array of detailed balance objects aggregated by month, "by_period" returns an array of detailed balance objects for each state change (delegation or reward).

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "results": [
            "timestamp": "2020-08-27T14:12:31.722731",
            "block": null,
            "total_delegation": 3874585409425.0,
            "delegation": 3876252281981.0,
            "balance": 3897899084922.0,
            "total_reward_and_fees": 23313675497.0,
            "reward_and_fees": 23313675497.0,
            "total_reward": 23304218223.0,
            "reward": 23304218223.0,
            "total_fees": 9457274.0,
            "fees": 9457274.0,
            "total_gross_return": 0.006681130527750926,
            "gross_return": 0.006681130527750926,
            "annualized_gross_return": 0.016456788919817385,
            "block_explorer_url": null,
            "kind": null,
            "conversion_factor_power": 6,
            "currency": "Tezos"
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 1,
    "per_page": 10,
    "total": 1

Response Object Schema

Detailed Balance Object Schema

Detailed balance objects are returned for every state change of an account (stake, reward, unstake).

Get Transactions (and rewards) of All Provisioned Nodes


Get the transactions for all nodes provisioned through the Staked API associated with your API key. Use the kind parameter to specify which type of transactions to query.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

        "id": id,
        "kind": Transaction Kind,
        "transaction_time": Transaction Time,
        "transaction_address": Transaction Address,
        "holding_address": Holding Address,
        "amount": Amount,
        "reward": Reward,
        "fees": Fees,
        "total": Total,
        "denom": Denomination,
        "block_reference": Block Reference

Get Transactions (and rewards) of Address


Get the transactions for an address that has delegated to Staked. Use the kind parameter to specify which type of transactions to query.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

        "id": id,
        "kind": Transaction Kind,
        "transaction_time": Transaction Time,
        "transaction_address": Transaction Address,
        "holding_address": Holding Address,
        "amount": Amount,
        "reward": Reward,
        "fees": Fees,
        "total": Total,
        "denom": Denomination,
        "block_reference": Block Reference

Transaction Object Schema

Transaction Kind Enum

Last updated